Sunday, June 5, 2011

Stuffed Strawberries

I was struggling to find something new to bring to my cousin's cookout awhile back and I had already decided to bring something really really bad for you... so I tried to find something a bit healthier to balance it out;) I stumbled upon this 'recipe'. It doesn't require any cooking or anything truly special, but it does look impressive, and tastes delicious!

The original post says these were for the 4th of July, which would be cute- I ignored this fact considering it was May.

Start with washed strawberries. I ended up using about a pint and a half since I had some gigantic berries in there.

Hull the berries- I twisted off the leaves and then used my vegetable peeler to scoop out the insides.  I was curious to see if there was some fancy schmancy gadget out there that does this for you. And by George, they do.... Here's a boring one.... and a super cute, but totally unnecessary version....

Cut the very ends off the berries so they'll stand upright.

Grab some whipped cream. Homemade would have been very Martha Stewart-y, but the handy-dandy Reddi Whip worked wonderfully with the tip that fits right into the berry's middle.

Fill 'er up!

Top with a blueberry or other berry of your choice.

The original post had you drizzle some warmed-up apricot jelly over top, but I skipped that step. Figured there's enough going on there....

I will say, trying to travel with these things was a challenge.  They slid around a bit in the car in this glass dish, but they still looked good enough to eat apparently! They would be much better suited to being served at the same place where they were made.  So maybe next time, bring all the prepped berries and fill them up on site;)

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