Sunday, February 20, 2011

Mini Corn Dogs

I've recently become obsessed with my mini-muffin tins, because who doesn't love mini things? So, I've been trying out some different bite-sized foods. 

Here's some mini-corn dogs!

All you need is a corn bread mix and a few hot dogs. To make about 24, I needed 2 1/2 hot dogs and 2 boxes of Jiffy corn bread mix.

Spray your mini-muffin tins and cover the bottoms of the cups with a little of the corn bread mix.
Cut up the hot dogs into about 1/4 to 1/2 inch slices. Press one hot dog slice into each cup.

Then fill the cups with more corn bread mix. (don't overfill or it will be tough to remove them from the pan without breaking)

Bake about 8 minutes or until golden brown. Let cool a few minutes and then remove from pans.

I liked mine with ketchup!

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